Saturday, 18 August 2012

The Eagles Nest

Mr H spent a lot of time in the Bavarian Alps. He had something of an attitude about superiority...I am beginning to see why. What remains of his summer residence is at the top of this mountain....we could not get in...swines. Chas und Ann.

Views to die for.

The area around Bavaria is one of amazing natural beauty. Views are really to die for. Around every corner lies another stunning view. Motorcycling is very popular and I can see why. I think the New Mills Chapter should consider a Road trip sometime soon.

Silly Moos

Bavaria is famed for its quality food. None so more famous than the beef and dairy products. As we wandered around the area we could not help but be impressed by the cattle which are free to wander anywhere within the national park. Each has a huge bell on to let people know where they are as they often walk out into the roads with little warning. Brilliant on a barbeque.

The Bois de Jacque

In the winter of 1944 the men of Easy company 101st Airborne PIR were sent to Bastogne to help defend against a German attemted breakthrough in the Ardennes Forrest. (The Battle of the Bulge). the picture shows the very woods in which these amazing people lived in their foxholes for almost four weeks. During that time they were short of ammo, food clothing and medical supplies. They lost many of the company but remained steadfast until early January when Patton came in to re-supply and re-inforce. The woods are now a peaceful reminder to those who wish to venture there. No car access so very few visitors...great.

Beautiful Bavaria

Afetr a few glorious days in Bastogne we moved on to Berchtesgarten in Bavaria, this was of course where Mr H had his retreat at the top of the mountain 'The Eagles Nest@. It is said that there was a gold plated elevator from the base of the mountain to the top. Needless to say we did'nt find it. Fabulous area with amazing scenery and wonderfully peaceful pace. the picture shows the view from the front of our camp.

Hope at last.

We have arrived at a beatiful site in Freiburg. Logged on very easily so trying a quick insertion to see if the blog still works.
The picture shows Chas in Bastogne signing the visitors book at the barracks where the 101st Airborne made their headquarters in December 1944.

Friday, 17 August 2012

Hi hope we are back on line.
We were in Bavaria where there was no internet signal due to altitude. We did try to update the blog before leaving Belgium but had difficulty uploading pictures. Anyway, hopefully we are sorted if nt tis laptop is flying tonight.